
Our residents are prepared to do 一切!

Our residency program strives to give comprehensive training, balancing focus on both "subspecialty" and "primary" care. 在过去的5年里, approximately half of our program's graduates have gone into primary care and half have gone into subspecialty fellowships. 


We believe that our core continuity clinic and general pediatrics ward experiences, 皇冠hga020电脑版伙伴关系, and innovative programs like the Public Health and Ambulatory Basics and Beyond (PHABB) program and the Medical 首页 Program at UCLA, provide us with the foundations to mold the incredible residents we recruit into the future leaders of pediatrics, ready to practice at the top of their licenses.

We are proud to have a long track-record of preparing residents to work in the community as primary care pediatricians, which stems from the diversity of residents we attract and the diversity of training experiences we offer.

Among those graduates who have gone into primary care, about 25% have gone on to receive additional training, 在像这样的程序中,

  • Robert Wood Johnson Clinic Scholars program,now the National Clinician Scholars program
  • Maternal Child Health Fellowships funded by the federal government (HRSA, NRSA, 母婴卫生局)
  • CDC Epidemiology Investigation Service
  • Kaiser 皇冠hga020电脑版 Medicine Fellowship

Those graduates who have gone directly into community practice are now successful general pediatricians or hospitalists across the country, 在洛杉矶等城市, 旧金山, 西雅图, 圣地亚哥, 丹佛, 芝加哥, 还有很多其他的. Our residents are active at the local, regional and national levels of the American Academic of 儿科. Several residents have held national positions with the AAP, including liaisons to Sections of School Health, 抓, 和流行病学. 除了, many of our residents have obtained funding for primary care projects through the AAP 皇冠hga020电脑版 Access to Child Health program (抓 grant program).

Subspeciality Care Career Focus:

Our subspecialty faculty are national leaders in their fields, and offer extensive research and clinical opportunities for the program. Interactions with the UCLA fellowship programs afford our residents exposure and mentorship in every field. Electives are offered in all subspecialties, including research electives to dedicate substantial time on a research project. Adviser and Interest Group meetings with faculty provide a supportive environment for residents to find career-decision making guidance, as well as fellowship application assistance.

Many of our residents are successful in publishing their research, presenting at national conferences, and obtaining resident grants to support or reward their projects.

We are proud to have a long track-record of sending residents to subspecialty fellowships at the most competitive programs across the country.


UCLA Pediatric Residency Training Program


  • General 儿科, 初级护理 (39% with 18% in underserved primary care areas):
    • Academic General 儿科 (5)
    • 私人执业(3)
    • 皇冠hga020电脑版 Clinic, Free, FQHC, or FQHC-modeled clinic (3)
  • Hospitalist-Based Medicine (4, 14%)
  • 亚专业奖学金(47%)
    • 过敏 & 免疫学(1):皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校
    • 心脏病学(3):皇冠hga025大学旧金山分校贝勒分校
    • Clinical Informatics (1): Stanford
    • 哼哼/哼哼(2):斯坦福,UCSF
    • Nicu (3): ucla, usc
    • PICU (2): Stanford, Mount Sinai
    • 预防保健(1):皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校


  • General 儿科, 初级护理 (50% with 20% in underserved primary care areas):
    • Academic General 儿科 (6)
    • 私人执业(4)
    • 皇冠hga020电脑版 Clinic, Free, FQHC, or FQHC-modeled clinic (3)
  • Hospitalist-Based Medicine (4, 15%)
  • 亚专业奖学金(35%)
    • 麻醉学(1):UCLA
    • 心脏病学(1):纽约大学
    • 皮肤科(1):太阳穴
    • 胃肠病学(1):皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校
    • Hem/Onc (1): Memorial Sloan Kettering
    • 医院医学(1):UCLA
    • Neonatology (3): UCLA, UCSD, Boston


  • General 儿科, 初级护理 (41% with 20% in underserved primary care areas):
    • 学术普通儿科(7)
    • 私人执业(3)
    • 皇冠hga020电脑版 Clinic, Free, FQHC, or FQHC-modeled clinic (1)
  • General Pediatric Fellowships (4%)
    • Nat’l Clinical Scholars Program (1): UCLA
  • Hospitalist-Based Medicine (7, 26%)
  • 亚专业奖学金(26%)
    • 麻醉学(1):UCSF
    • 心脏病学(1):皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校
    • 内分泌学(1):斯坦福
    • 胃肠病学(1):波士顿
    • 传染病(1):皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校
    • 新生儿科(1):CHLA
    • 肾内科(1):皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校
  • Other, 4%: Research (1): Jacques Children’s 癌症中心


  • General 儿科, 初级护理 (33% with 23% in underserved primary care areas):
    • Academic General 儿科 (2)
    • 私人执业律师(5)
    • 皇冠hga020电脑版 Clinic, Free, FQHC, or FQHC-modeled clinic (2)
  • Hospitalist-Based Medicine (22%)
  • General Pediatric Fellowships (8%)
    • Nat’l Clinical Scholars Program (1): UCLA
    • 皇冠hga020电脑版 Medicine (1): Kaiser LA
  • 亚专业奖学金(34%)
    • 皮肤科(1):皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校
    • Endocrinology (1): 丹佛 Children’s
    • 血液学/肿瘤学(2):UCLA
    • 传染病(1):皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校
    • 医学遗传学(1):UCLA
    • 新生儿科(2):皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校,CHOP
    • PICU (3): UCLA, CHLA, Loma Linda


  • General 儿科, 初级护理 (28% with 35% in underserved primary care areas):
    • Academic General 儿科 (6)
    • 私人执业(3)
    • 皇冠hga020电脑版 Clinic, Free, FQHC, or FQHC-modeled clinic (3)
  • Hospitalist-Based Medicine (19%)
  • General Pediatric Fellowship: (4%)
  • 亚专业奖学金(46%)
    • 青少年(1):CHLA
    • 过敏/Immunology (1): Stanford
    • 心脏病学(3):UCLA, CHLA
    • 重症监护(1):UCLA
    • 紧急医疗. (2):奥斯汀港-皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校
    • 血液学/肿瘤学(1):UCLA
    • 新生儿科(1):CHLA, UCSD


  • General 儿科, 初级护理 (45% with 15% in underserved primary care areas):
    • Academic General 儿科 (6)
    • 私人执业律师(5)
    • 皇冠hga020电脑版 Clinic, Free, FQHC, or FQHC-modeled clinic (4)
    • Kaiser (1)
    • 印第安人保健服务(2)
  • Hospitalist-Based Medicine (12%)
  • 亚专业奖学金(35%)
    • 重症监护(2):UCSF, CHLA
    • 胃肠病学(2):皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校,Mt. 西奈纽约
    • Hematology/Oncology (4): UCLA, John Hopkin’s
    • Neonatology (1): Boston Children’s