

Our skilled specialists lead the nation in advanced diagnostics 和 treatments for pancreatic disease 和 胰腺癌. 呼叫 310-206-6889 与我们联系.

作为主要的外科中心, we have 胰腺癌 survival rates that are among the best in the nation. Our innovative approaches help more patients get life-saving surgery, even for large tumors.  


如果你知道你需要做手术,你的担心是可以理解的 胰腺癌. But you can be reassured knowing we have the most experienced team in the region, 每年进行100多次成功手术.


  • 优秀的专业知识皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的外科医生每年要做多达150例胰腺手术, 我们所有的外科医生都被认为是大容量外科医生. Research shows high-volume hospitals performing 16 or more pancreatic resections (surgery to remove part of the pancreas) annually have better outcomes than facilities performing them less frequently. 这使我们的团队拥有其他地区医院无法比拟的丰富经验.
  • 更好的结果: Patients with borderline resectable or locally advanced cancers who undergo pre-operative treatment 和 surgery at UCLA have among the best reported survival rates to date. 我们的外科医生也非常细致, which leads to low complication rates comparable to other major medical institutions.
  • 微创手术: Whenever possible, our specialists use minimally invasive surgery to remove tumors. This helps you recover faster 和 shortens the time it takes before your body is strong enough to receive 化疗.
  • 治疗以前不能手术的肿瘤: Surviving 胰腺癌 is more likely when doctors can remove the tumor completely. Our doctors have experience using pre-operative 化疗 to shrink tumors once thought to be too big to remove. By shrinking them down, more patients can get their 胰腺癌 tumors removed.


在许多情况下,胰腺癌直到癌细胞扩散才被发现. 然而, surgery is only an option when surgeons can completely remove the tumor 和 when tumors haven’t spread to distant organs.

Doctors may use surgery alone to treat 胰腺癌, or they may also prescribe 化疗 和 放射治疗. 手术的类型取决于肿瘤的位置和大小.

我们的综合实践单元加快了治疗过程, 缩短手术时间.  UCLA提供的胰腺癌手术包括:

Before one of these procedures, your surgeon may perform a staging laparoscopy. This minimally invasive operation involves placing a camera through several small holes in the abdomen to assess the extent of the tumor. 如果癌症已经扩散到其他部位, 医生可能不会进行完整的手术来切除肿瘤.


The complexity of pancreatic surgery has delayed the development of minimally invasive techniques to treat pancreatic disorders when compared to other organs such as the colon, 小肠和胃. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery allows UCLA surgeons to perform complex pancreatic operations with small incisions, 哪种方法可以减少失血, 术后疼痛, 住院时间和康复时间. These advanced procedures are only performed at a few specialized centers across the country, 使皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校成为微创胰腺手术领域的领导者.

Robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery can be performed for all types of pancreatic disease, 包括胰腺腺癌, 神经内分泌肿瘤, 囊性肿瘤, 良性肿块和慢性胰腺炎. Nearly the full range of pancreatic operations can be performed with robotic-assisted techniques, 包括:

Your surgeon can help decide whether robotic-assisted laparoscopic pancreatic surgery is right for you.


The 惠普尔手术 is the most common operation to remove 胰腺癌. 这是一个复杂的过程, but research shows surgery risks are lower at high-volume hospitals like UCLA.

Patients at facilities performing more than 20 惠普尔手术s annually experience fewer complications like blood loss 和 post-surgical infection. 我们的外科医生每年做大约100例惠普尔手术, with consistently lower rates of blood loss than other major medical centers. 


  • 切除胰腺头部(4个胰腺肿瘤中有3个发生在这里), 胆管和胆囊
  • 切除部分小肠,偶尔也切除胃
  • Reconnecting the rest of the pancreas 和 nearby organs to the digestive tract



UCLA surgeons use minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques for certain operations. These techniques allow surgeons to operate using several small holes instead of a large incision.


  • 降低失血和感染等并发症的风险
  • 在医院休养的时间少了
  • 化疗的等待时间更短



We offer minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy for patients with all forms of pancreas diseases, 包括NETs(神经内分泌肿瘤)和胰腺腺癌. 外科医生切除胰腺的主体和尾部, 和 often the spleen (splenectomy) because its blood supply is closely connected with the pancreas. Another reason surgeons remove the spleen is because it contains many of the lymph nodes that drain this region of the pancreas. 

因为脾脏保护你的身体免受感染, 你可能需要在手术之前和/或之后接种某些疫苗. 患者还必须住院5至7天恢复.


全胰腺切除术在胰腺癌中不太常见. 它通常只在肿瘤扩散到整个胰腺时使用.

During the operation, surgeons remove the entire pancreas, the spleen 和 the gallbladder. Removing the pancreas means your body can no longer produce pancreatic enzymes (digestive juices) or insulin. Life after this surgery usually involves taking supplemental enzymes 和 insulin injections.


Occasionally, patients with 神经内分泌肿瘤s isolated to the liver undergo transplantation. 我们的肝脏移植团队是美国西部最有经验的.S.

了解更多关于皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的信息 肝移植项目.


Patients are typically only eligible for surgery when tumors are located mainly in the pancreas. For many patients, however, 胰腺癌 isn’t found until after the tumor has spread.

我们独特的方法帮助更多的病人接受手术, using longer 化疗 treatment schedules before surgery to shrink tumors. 这种降低分期的程序允许外科医生切除胰腺肿瘤, 在某些情况下重建静脉, 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校顶尖血管外科医生的帮助下. 

Our innovative program provides hope for patients with borderline removable or locally advanced (unremovable) tumors. Our surgeons have successfully removed tumors in over 80 percent of cases when surgery is recommended, 延长病人的生命,甚至治愈了一些病人.