


The DBP 奖学金 Program is an ACGME accredited three-year training program, which aims to prepare fellows for academic leadership careers in the field of Developmental-Behavioral 儿科, 基于他们卓越的临床技能, 前沿研究贡献, 优秀的教育和培训技能, 以及对儿童和家庭的有效宣传.

Our comprehensive curriculum provides the flexibility and guidance to pursue careers within the broad spectrum of the field of Developmental-Behavioral 儿科, and establishes a solid foundation in the current study and practice of this specialty.


Irene Koolwijk,医学硕士




  • 了解婴儿的发育过程, 孩子们, 青少年和年轻人, 在他们的家庭和皇冠hga020电脑版背景下.
  • 了解生物学, 心理, 以及社会对情感发展的影响, social, motor, 语言, 认知领域.
  • Identification and treatment of disorders of behavior and development throughout childhood and adolescence.
  • Have a meaningful supervised research experience in an area of study related to developmental-behavioral pediatrics, with the goal of a first author publication and presentation at a national meeting.
  • 提供医学生, 儿科居民, providers from pediatric primary care and community partners with the knowledge and skills to promote systems-change, improve access to care and enhance the quality of life for 孩子们 with developmental-behavioral problems.



The DBP fellowship program begins with a primarily clinical first year during which trainees learn about a range of developmental and behavioral pediatric conditions. Fellows refine their research project focus within the first year and each fellow uses the final two years of the fellowship to develop an area of clinical expertise while conducting a mentored research project and gaining knowledge and skills in quality improvement as well as participating in outreach into the community.


Fellows develop their clinical skills working with their patients longitudinally in a weekly follow-up clinic as well as being members of multidisciplinary assessment teams for Autism, 脑瘫和学习困难. Elective experiences may include clinical rotations in our High Risk Infant Follow-Up Clinic, 遗传学和精神病学诊所, 以及皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的其他临床项目.


Weekly seminars address topics in developmental-behavioral pediatrics, 行为神经学, 儿童精神病学, 教学的教育方法论, 研究方法与专业发展.



Within the first year the fellow meets with potential research mentors to discuss possible areas of research, chooses a mentor and the area of the research project and begins meeting with the research team.

A literature review is started in the area chosen and the fellow begins reading the necessary background material. It is expected that by the end of the first year the fellow will have selected a specific research mentor and area of research.

During the second year the fellow continues working closely with the research mentor and research collaborators on project design. It is expected that by the end of the second year the fellow will have obtained all necessary training, Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and will be ready to implement the research project.

预计在第三年, 在学院导师的指导下进行研究, 该研究员将完成数据收集, 数据分析并准备研究的书面总结. The fellow is strongly encouraged to present research at local and national meetings as a poster presentation and submit research findings to a peer-reviewed journal.

研究项目的一个关键要素是指导. The portfolio of ongoing and funded projects within the division and across the campus assures that DBP fellows have access to exciting and productive research training opportunities and outstanding mentors.




  1. 医学博士或同等学历
  2. US Citizenship, Canadian Citizenship, or permanent resident status in the United States. For Non-Citizens: The post-residency fellowship program can accept applicants on J1 Visas but does not sponsor international medical school graduates on H1B Visas.
  3. All applicants must have completed their residency from an ACGME-accredited program in either the U.S. 或加拿大.
  4. Expectation of satisfactory completion of requirements for Certification in 儿科 by the American Board of 儿科
  5. UCLA participates in the National Residency Match Program (NRMP). You must register with the NRMP, and provide us with your NRMP #
  6. California Medical License (at the time of starting fellowship)
  7. To find out more about UCLA 奖学金 Salaries and benefits, Life in LA and other information please visit the UCLA Graduate Medical 教育 website.


DBP奖学金计划利用 Association of American Medical Colleges' Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). To register with ERAS and review information regarding application procedures, 要求和截止日期请访问 时代的网站. 请浏览 全国居民配对计划 for additional details regarding the match process and registration information.

不接受书面申请. 从收到的申请中, we will invite a select group of prospective applicants to interview at UCLA. 入选的申请者将在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校进行面试.


Please submit a completed ERAS application, which includes the following documentation:

  • Medical School Transcript (certified English translation if from foreign institution)
  • Three letters of recommendation (more than three is optional)
  • 个人陈述
  • 当前简历
  • USMLE成绩单与分数到目前为止
  • 摩根士丹利亚洲/院长的信
  • ERAS系统照片(可选)