

If you are a new patient seeking prenatal care, please call 310-794-7274. If you are an established patient and need to reach labor and delivery, call 310-825-9111 韦斯特伍德或 424-259-9250 圣莫尼卡.

What are the 母乳喂养的好处?

Breastfeeding is good for mom and baby because…

  • It improves baby’s health and well being
  • 它能让妈妈和宝宝更亲密
  • It’s free, mom doesn’t have to spend money on expensive formula
  • 它减少了医疗费用


  • 防止大出血
  • Releasing hormones into mom’s body that help her relax
  • 降低乳腺癌的风险
  • Allowing mom to take less sick days off of work


  • Providing the perfect food for your baby’s growth and development
  • Digesting easily in the baby’s belly
  • Reducing the chance of infections and illness
  • Protecting baby against obesity, diarrhea, and respiratory illness
  • Preventing the development of allergies
  • Decreasing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Breastfeeding Initiation at The BirthPlace

UCLA is proud to be a part of improving the health of birthing parents and infants. We encourage and support new parents with breastfeeding information before, 在, 在他们住院之后. Breastfeeding is the first step to a healthy life and forms a natural and lasting bond between birthing parent and child. The more the baby breastfeeds, the greater will be the benefits to the birthing parent and baby. 出于这个原因, UCLA and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) highly recommend that babies be fed only breast milk for the first six months of life. Breastfeeding together with healthy foods is recommended to continue as long as birthing parent and baby desire.



我的乳房很小. Will I be able to make enough milk for my baby?

Breast size does not determine milk production, but breastfeeding does! Putting baby to breast early and often stimulates your milk production. Women with small breasts can make just as much milk as women with large breasts.

I had a lot of difficulty breastfeeding my first baby. Is it even worth trying this time around?

每个宝宝都不一样. If you had problems once, it's always worth trying again. Ask your healthcare provider about resources for expectant moms, 包括类, 支持团体, and private consultations with a lactation consultant.

我得回去工作了. Should I even start breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding benefits do not end when moms go back to work. Breastfeeding will help you feel connected to your baby, even when you are away. 你的工作也会受益. It has been proven that mothers who breastfeed need less time off work for sick babies. Talk to your healthcare provider about resources like breast pump rentals and support for the back-to-work transition.

A Mother's Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding

  1. 乳房是最好的,但为什么? Learn why giving only breastmilk is best for you and your baby and why formula can cause problems. Use resources like your healthcare provider, breastfeeding 支持团体, and breastfeeding classes.
  2. 告诉世界! 让你的产科医生或助产士, 家庭, 朋友, and employers know you plan to give only breastmilk and need their full support. When you arrive at the BirthPlace in labor, tell your nurse, too.
  3. 抱着你的宝宝 交货后立即. Your baby will be alert and interested in breastfeeding. The contact between you and your baby will help keep your baby warm and ease the transition to this big, 明亮的世界.
  4. 和你的孩子在一起. This will allow you to respond more easily to your baby's cues and breastfeed as soon as your baby shows signs of hunger. Your baby will feel more connected to you, too.
  5. 早点经常进食. Babies who have their first feed within the first hour of life and who are fed frequently 在 the first few days of life breastfeed better and longer than babies who are restricted by a schedule.
  6. 事先考虑. 如果你愿意回去工作, start with exclusive breastfeeding so that your body makes the milk your baby will need. Introduce pumping and bottles later.
  7. 寻求帮助 如果你需要的话. 利用你的资源. The nurses can help you with the basics of breastfeeding and can help you position and attach your baby for feeds. Lactation consultants are also available for additional help and support.
  8. 不要气馁 如果你有困难. Most breastfeeding problems can be easily fixed. Rely on the support of 朋友 or 家庭 who have breastfed and use resources like our breastfeeding 支持团体.
  9. 长远规划. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for up to a year or more. Get comfortable breastfeeding away from home and make a plan for pumping when you return to work or school.
  10. Get to know other breastfeeding moms. Make new 朋友; join a breastfeeding support group. Most importantly, have fun getting to know your baby!

Additional Breastfeeding Resources:

Breastfeeding Taskforce of Los Angeles: www.breastfeedla.org
La Leche League: lllusa.org