UCLA 甲状腺射频消融 Program


We deliver effective, minimally invasive treatments in a caring environment. 呼叫 310-267-7838 to connect with an expert in endocrine surgery.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, we are proud to offer radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for the treatment of a number of thyroid conditions. 

Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) at UCLA

The UCLA 甲状腺 RFA Program is a collaboration between UCLA interventional radiology, 内分泌学, and endocrine surgery to provide this state-of-the-art treatment to our patients. 

我们的内分泌外科医生. James Wu和Dr. Masha Livhits, and our interventional radiologists, Dr. 吕大伟博士. Michael Douek和Dr. Gary Tse have extensive experience in thermal ablation procedures. UCLA performs more than 500 thermal ablation procedures annually in different organs throughout the body.


RFA is a minimally invasive treatment option performed by interventional radiology that is an alternative to surgery in some patients with 甲状腺结节.  During this procedure a small needle electrode is inserted into the thyroid nodule using 超声波 指导.  Heat generated at the needle tip destroys the target tissue.


What are the indications for RFA of 甲状腺结节?

The most common indications for thyroid nodule RFA are for the treatment of biopsy-proven benign, solid (or predominately solid) 甲状腺结节 which cause pressure or cosmetic problems.  Predominately cystic 或充满液体 thyroid nodule are better treated with alcohol ablation.

Other indications include the treatment of autonomously functioning 甲状腺结节 as an alternative to surgery or radioactive iodine.

在某些情况下, small primary thyroid or recurrent thyroid cancers, which are not located near critical structures, can be treated with RFA in patients who prefer to avoid surgery or who are not good surgical candidates due to other comorbid medical conditions. Whether RFA is an appropriate treatment is determined on a case-by-case basis by your multidisciplinary team of doctors.

What are the contraindications to RFA?

Pregnant patients and patients with cardiac pacemakers should not undergo RFA.

You may also not be a candidate for RFA if your thyroid nodule is close to critical structures such as the nerve to the vocal cord, 食道, 或者是大血管.

手术过程是怎样的?  复苏情况如何??

甲状腺 RFA is routinely performed as an outpatient procedure, typically with local anesthetic only (though some patients may prefer to receive a mild sedative). The procedure typically lasts approximately one hour, depending on the size of the nodule being treated. Patients leave the procedure suite the same day with only a small bandage.  After the procedure some patients experience minor discomfort and bruising which may be treated with over-the-counter pain medications.  手术没有留下疤痕. 


All procedures have risks and these will be discussed with you in detail by your doctor.  In experienced hands, thyroid RFA is considered to be a safe procedure.

How does RFA compare to laser, cryo (freezing), or ethanol ablation?

These are all minimally invasive methods of destroying tissue. 实性或复杂甲状腺结节, RFA is generally considered superior to these other methods of treatment. 但大多数囊肿性患者例外, 或充满液体, 结节, for which ethanol ablation is a good option.

What can I expect after the procedure?

良性结节, when the primary goal is to reduce the size of the nodule, patients usually notice a reduction in size approximately one month after the procedure. This shrinkage will continue with time until the nodule is significantly smaller. However, we do not expect 100% resolution of the nodule. The goal is to treat these 结节 in a single RFA session, 但结节非常大, or 结节 not well controlled with one treatment may require additional RFA treatments to achieve optimal size reduction.

甲状腺射频消融 Before and After

对于恶性结节或淋巴结, your multidisciplinary treatment team (endocrinologist, 内分泌外科医生, radiologist) will monitor the tumor over time, to ensure the cancerous tissue has been fully treated.

Will I have to take thyroid medication after thyroid RFA?

One of the main advantages of thyroid RFA is that the procedure does not affect the function of the remaining thyroid gland.  Therefore patients undergoing thyroid RFA typically do not need to take thyroid replacement medication as a result of the procedure. 

How can I be evaluated to see if I am a candidate for thyroid RFA?

Patients interested in RFA will be evaluated by a multidisciplinary group of doctors, 包括放射科医生, 内分泌学家, and an 内分泌外科医生 to evaluate whether RFA is the best management option for you.
